AS7 work - what should be do before merging into master?

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Wed Sep 26 20:35:00 UTC 2012

I would like to ask for a consensus on what needs to be accomplished or "checked off the list" in order to consider merging the AS7 branch into master. What do you want to make sure is done/working before we move over to AS7 in master?

For example:

1) Make sure the installer sets up the app server such that you can unzip and run the server
2) Make sure the application successfully deployed with no AS7 deployment errors
3) Make sure an agent can talk to the server (that is, make sure inventory can be committed and agent/server comm works)
4) Make sure the UI loads and you can log in

We can cross off those items. This is not to say there are not still bugs in, say, the UI or elsewhere, but those basic things are done. But what about:

5) Be able to run all unit tests via "mvn test"
6) Make sure QA has run through all of their integration tests and all pass
7) Make sure the entire UI/server works just like the old app based on AS 4.2.3
8) Make sure the CLI runs and can execute everything that could execute before (Jay is working on this now)
9) Run performance testing
10) Make sure db upgrade and agent updating works

... etc...

Those items are not done. Do those items need to be done before we start asking the entire team/community to start working with the new app server infrastructure? What other items should be on this list of "must do these first before we switch everyone over to AS7".

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