RHQ d3.js Graphing Solutions for IE8

mike thompson mithomps at redhat.com
Tue Sep 25 15:12:55 UTC 2012

On Sep 25, 2012, at 7:40 AM, "Heiko W.Rupp" <hrupp at redhat.com> wrote:

> Am 24.09.2012 um 20:42 schrieb Charles Crouch:
>> Before we abandon charts in IE8 all together I would like to better understand Mike's recommended solution, i.e. server side rendered images via a java library. 
> Would that apply to all browsers or only to IE8.

	To be clear, the static server-side solution would only apply to IE8. All other browsers would get the full interactive experience of d3.js.

> One advantage of the projected new solution would be the client interactivity e.g.
> that the user can mouse-over a datapoint and gets the exact value shown in a 
> little bubble. Or that, when rendering multiple curves for multiple metrics in one
> chart, individual curves can be hidden by pure css magic.
> Rendering the charts server side and exporting them as images (*) would loose
> that ability.
>  Heiko
> *) This is what we do today. So we could also more or less keep that drawing code
> and just embedd the existing images in new GWT pages. 
	Yes, another option is to keep the GFlot graphs for IE8 as you point out we keep the interactivity. The portal war graphs would still need to be converted to GFlot for IE8 as they are JSP graphs that we IFrame.

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