Unset - Configuration Editor

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Tue Sep 11 17:06:31 UTC 2012

> > For example, how do you distinguish a property value that is set,
> > but is an empty string versus a value that is not set and whose
> > value therefore becomes a non-empty default value (an internal
> > default value that the code would use if the property is not set)?
> Not sure I understand. The editor renders a text field with a
> non-empty default value. I edit the field, changing it to an empty
> string. So is the problem knowing/remembering that I have actually
> edited that text field?

Right. And you may not have changed it either. So its not that you can't remember your own actions, its that you might not know what others have done. How do you distinguish someone purposefully setting the value to an empty string versus a field being empty to denote "this value is not set and its internal default value will be used". Note that the UI might not even know what that default value is - all it may know is "this property is not set, so whatever code that wants to use this property will have to use some default value".

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