Package deploy oddity

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at
Tue Nov 27 20:56:33 UTC 2012

Suppose you have a deployed package as resource 'res'.

rhqadmin at localhost:7080$ var res = ProxyFactory.getResource(11534);

That has some content != test-simple2.war deployed.
When you run in cli 

This works:

   rhqadmin at localhost:7080$ res.updateBackingContent("/Users/hrupp/downloads/test-simple2.war","4");

This then fails (*)

  rhqadmin at localhost:7080$ res.updateBackingContent("/Users/hrupp/downloads/test-simple2.war","5");

This works:
  rhqadmin at localhost:7080$ res.updateBackingContent("/Users/hrupp/downloads/test-simple.war","5"); 

The bad thing is that in (*) the user gets no feedback that the deploy failed -- basically because the
content already exists as the current version.

The agent/server log is not much better (or their representation in the UI)

Completing deploy package response: DeployPackagesResponse{requestId=10112, overallRequestResult=Failed, overallRequestErrorMessage='[Warning] javax.ejb.EJBException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Resource [11534] cannot access package version [PackageDetailsKey[Name=test-simple.war, Version=[sha256=024c865a83b7c5af8971dd7b53b7b7346cae925b574bbca8e16a55fe2126782d] Arch=noarch Type=file]] - no content source exists to deliver it

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