Replace old graphs in RHQ with GWT ones. GSOC 2012

Denis Krusko kruskod at
Wed May 30 09:47:11 UTC 2012

Good day.

I've been doing the task, "Replace old graphs in RHQ with GWT ones".

I want to show You an overview of JS libraries, which I spent under this
task: Choice Free JavaScript Data

List of libraries, that supports HTML5 and have attractive licensing

   - D3 <>;
   - jQuery Visualize<>
   - Flotr2 <>;
   - JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit <>.

Libraries with GWT support:

   - Dojo GFX <>;
   - gRaphaƫl <>;
   - Google Chart
   - Flot <>;
   - Rickshaw <>;
   - Timeplot <>;
   - JavaScript <> InfoVis Toolkit <>;
   - arcadiaCharts <>;
   - Highcharts <>.

I would like to see your comments on the choice of libraries for the

Thank You,
Denis Krusko
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