A couple of enhencement requests for RHQ / JON

Roland Brackmann rbrackma at redhat.com
Wed May 23 20:14:40 UTC 2012

Hi list,

I have a couple of enhancement requests and feedback from a customer.

1. CLI - transactional bloc
   CLI : within a script it should be possible to have an atomic block that lets you rollback on failure  (at the moment it is step by step commitment)

2. POC (proof of concept) or PROD configuration
2.1. "metric collection templates"
In JON server "metric collection templates" are preconfigured enabled/disabled. The proposed configuration in RHQ/JON does not necessarily fit to production environments. It would be interesting to have a choice when installing JON wheather to enable many metrics in sort of a POC configuration, or to enable less metrics in a PROD configuration.
2.2. Agent configuration
It would be also interesting to have the same configuration for the agent with a POC / PROD conf., meaning in one case the agent is sending back infos every 10 secondes (POC) in the other case every 30 min or so(PROD).

3. More examples
3.1. It would be intersting if more javascript examples would be shipped with the project/product. Every important GUI operation should be implemented as a cli exemple.
3.2. A simple bundle should be preconfigured. Idea : a bundle that puts a file somewhere !

4. The bundle deployment process via GUI is considered too complicated

5. Enhence import-export capability
It would be great to have an import-export capability for "Alert definition templates" or "Alerts". As of today only metrics and configuration can be im- and exported !

6. Database maintenance process
The nighly database maintenance is set to midnight (0h). This should be parametrizable in the GUI. /java/org/rhq/enterprise/server/scheduler/jobs/DataPurgeJob.java


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