Resource Metric Collection Schedules with in-place editing

mike thompson mithomps at
Fri May 4 17:40:02 UTC 2012

Unfortunately, from an implementation perspective, the two step model would be needed. The grid, when in in-place editing mode only allows single row selections (which makes sense you are editing a single row). So we need an explicit way of switching to batch mode. The grid can't support both modes at the same time so I need to switch grid between batch and in-place editing.

On May 4, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Malini Rao wrote:

> The user is not obligated to click the Batch Edit button first. If they are used to Ctrl+click, then the moment they click on the second row, the batch action panel opens up automatically and the checkboxes for multi-selection become available with the 2 selected rows already checked. The explicit 2-step model is included so that there is no discoverability issue and there is a bucket/ panel where attributes for batch editing can be hidden and not display when not needed.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alan Santos" <asantos at>
> To: "Malini Rao" <mrao at>
> Cc: "mike thompson" <mithomps at>, "Harlan Douglas" <hdouglas at>, "Charles Crouch" <ccrouch at>
> Sent: Friday, May 4, 2012 1:24:04 PM
> Subject: Re: Resource Metric Collection Schedules with in-place editing
> Why the additional step to explicitly enter batch mode?  Can't we infer the intent to batch edits when a user selects multiple rows? 
> On May 4, 2012, at 1:20 PM, Malini Rao wrote:
>> Mike,
>> Here is my proposal for the batch editing model. The mockup is a looping animated gif... I thought it will serve best to 'demo' the interaction here but since it keeps looping, you may have to wait to get to the starting point. Sorry for the inconvenience.
>> Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
>> Thanks
>> Malini
>> From: "Malini Rao" <mrao at>
>> To: "mike thompson" <mithomps at>
>> Cc: "Harlan Douglas" <hdouglas at>, "Alan Santos" <asantos at>, "Charles Crouch" <ccrouch at>
>> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 4:43:48 PM
>> Subject: Re: Resource Metric Collection Schedules with in-place editing
>> Mike, 
>> I don't want you to think I have been ignoring you. I have worked on a possible solution for the batch action in addition to inline editing but I want to get on the same page with the other UX folks since this could be a pattern we use across the board. So, please bear with me on the batching editing part.
>> Besides that, I think it looks great. I do have some feedback for you though -
>> 1. I think we should not multi-purpose the +/- widget from the tree lists to serve as an icon for disabled. I think it will be perfectly fine to display the checked icon for only the rows that are enabled.
>> 2. Reduce the space between the time spinner and the minutes/ time unit drop down.
>> 3. With regard to step values for the spinner, I almost always see the step value to be 1. If they want to type something else without using the spinner, they should be able to do so.
>> I would like to see a quick demo of how this is working so I can provide any additional feedback on the interaction. Please feel free to schedule some time at your convenience.
>> Thanks,
>> Malini
>> From: "mike thompson" <mithomps at>
>> To: "Malini Rao" <mrao at>, "Harlan Douglas" <hdouglas at>, "Alan Santos" <asantos at>, "Charles Crouch" <ccrouch at>
>> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 1:12:41 PM
>> Subject: Resource Metric Collection Schedules with in-place editing 
>> Here is the new and improved resource metric collection schedules with Malinis' recommendations. 
>> The old screen is here for reference: 
>> The original screen doesn't look much different until you click on the grid and enable the cell editing. The buttons at the bottom of the screen have been removed. 
>> Once you click on a row, you can edit the grid cell by either enabling/disabling or changing the collection interval. 
>> I have set the step values on the collection interval spinner to: 
>> seconds: 5 
>> minutes: 5 
>> hours: 1 
>> Meaning if you hit the spinners when in minutes it will jump by 5 minutes (not 1 minute). Are these appropriate defaults? Or should they all just be 1? 
>> One other piece of functionality that went away is being able to select multiple rows and applying an operation to the multiple rows. I assume that since it is quicker set this stuff now that it won't be an issue and metrics are probably managed at a group or autogroup level for any kind of builk settings. 
>> -- Mike 

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