AS7 Subsystems, Service vs. Server

Alan Santos asantos at
Fri Mar 23 14:30:11 UTC 2012

On Mar 23, 2012, at 10:22 AM, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:

> Am 22.03.2012 um 18:20 schrieb Ian Springer:
>> Besides the inconsistency in what it means to be a server, there's
>> something else about having all these non-top-level server types that
>> annoys me on a regular basis. When I go the Inventory > Servers, I want
>> to get a nice listing of all the server processes in my inventory.
> But that is only because the query language is not able to say (non) top-level
> server.

But that's the point - afaik there's no concept of 'top/non-top' level. I suppose you might include a predicate where you filter on parent types of  platform, but firming the conceptual model of the existing types seems a more effective path.

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