CLI Script Modularity Discussion

John Sanda jsanda at
Thu Mar 22 17:34:36 UTC 2012

This is easy to implement, but it fails to address to major issues - 
dependencies between scripts and name space collisions. CommonJS 
addresses both of these.
> I came up with
> Bug 801980 - rhq-cli exec should support reading a list of scripts
> and/or directory at startup
> I don't know this sort of functionality needs to be provided by the
> scripting container itself. Why not just be able to pass in a
> directory of scripts to execute and/or a list of files? Or just
> provide a function that does the same thing? e.g
> 'include('name_of_script.js')' ?
> Maybe it's not a great option, but it's probably the easiest to implement.
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