AS7 Subsystems, Service vs. Server

Stefan Negrea snegrea at
Thu Mar 22 16:40:02 UTC 2012

Hello Everybody,

Working on AS7 plugin, I noticed that most (but not all) of the AS7 subsystems are configured as server resources. So what should new subsystems being added to the plugin be mapped to, service or server? It is a hard decision to take with no guidelines in place. Heiko suggested I should to ask for community feedback.

I see one obvious case, if a subsystem does not have any children then it should be a service. And of course there are the two extremes; all subsystems mapped to server resources or all subsystems mapped to service resources. 

Should we use a middle ground approach (mix servers and services)? What would be a good differentiator for what gets mapped to server vs. service among the subsystems? 

Or just go with one single type of resource for all subsystem? Should it be service or server?

Thank you,
Stefan Negrea

Software Engineer

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