[GSOC-2012] Implement a Forge plugin to create RHQ plugins - idea

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Thu Mar 22 11:14:15 UTC 2012

Hey Shameera,

great to hear back from you.

Am 22.03.2012 um 07:11 schrieb Shameera Rathnayaka:

> I am an undergraduate student from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I would like 
> to apply for GSOC 2012 with jboss community. Therefore I first went through the ideas list[1] 
> published in the site and I am interested in contributing to "Implement a Forge 
> plugin to create RHQ plugins" project. I already have chatted through the irc channel 
> #rhq, and from that i could get a good introduction to Forge and RHQ projects. However 
> as I haven't used them earlier  can you please tell me what are the technologies/frameworks
> which i need to know in prior to involving in this project? I will use this time to getting familiar 
> with them?.

Most of what you need to implement this is pure Java

For Forge, you should perhaps

Install it: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/FORGE/Installation
Follow the get started guide: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/FORGE/Generating+a+basic+Java+EE+web-application
And then perhaps look at plugin writing: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/FORGE/Reference+the+Forge+APIs

For RHQ you should have a look at the resources you quoted and then get the existing plugin generator 
from http://sourceforge.net/projects/rhq/files/rhq/plugin-generator/
and play with it. See this wiki page for an explanation: http://rhq-project.org/display/RHQ/Plugins+-+Plugin+Generator
(especially http://pilhuhn.blogspot.de/2008/12/plugin-generator-for-jopr-jboss-on-and.html )
Have a look at the generated artifacts.

So for the GSoC work, the Forge plugin should at least be able to generate all those artifacts for a skeleton 
plugin (also by asking relevant questions).
In addition it should be possible to e.g. write a JavaEE app in Forge (like the getting started one) and then the user could via
rhq-forge-plugin say "I want this variable" exported as a metric. The plugin would then generate code to e.g. export the 
metrics via an MBean (or to a file or such) and on the generated rhq-plugin side modify the rhq-plugin.xml file to include
a respective <metric> tag.


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