"Read-only", monitoring agent

Costel Cosman mulderika at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 1 14:58:03 UTC 2012


About the proposal to have a "read-only", monitoring agent (See RFC:
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=783911), I added a comment 
with an additional idea:

It seems a good idea to have a "read-only" agent.

The proposed solution (to disable the "write" features like Configuration and
Provisioning and leave only "read" features like Monitoring) still has an
issue: malicious code can be embedded in the monitoring part of the plugins. 

An idea would be to sign the plugin JAR. The agent will check the signature
every time a plugin update is performed. The signature will guarantee that the
plugins come only from a trusted source.

What do you think about this idea ?

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