More RHQ Java Client library problems...

Steven North swn at
Wed Jun 20 19:43:22 UTC 2012


I have another question related to this issue.  I stumbled across using the URL //host:port/ to get the CLI ZIP file without having to log into the RHQ server.  Is this a "guaranteed API" that we can rely on not changing in future versions?

Thanks in advance,


On Jun 14, 2012, at 7:14 PM, Steven North wrote:

> Jay,
> Thanks for the reply.  
> I suppose I should admit that we were "warned" by  
> In this case a user is upgrading from an RHQ 4.2 server to an RHQ 4.4 server so they are running two versions in their environment at the same time, and I would argue that from a user's perspective it is a burden to have to know which version of an RHQ server you are talking to so you know which version of the CLI to use.  
> But it is the way it is, so we will try to come up with a solution that meets our needs.
> Thanks again for the quick reply.
> Steve
> On Jun 14, 2012, at 6:07 PM, Jay Shaughnessy wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> On 6/14/2012 4:18 PM, Steven North wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Back in September 2011 I posted about problems moving from RHQ 4.0.1 to 4.1 and was able to resolve the problem by  stepping up to the 4.1 JARs to talk to the 4.1 and 4.01 RHQ server.  Well, now I'm back with problems stepping up to RHQ 4.4 libraries.  In this case we are trying to talk to both a JON 3.01 (=RHQ 4.2) and JON 3.1beta (=RHQ 4.4) server.  The RHQ 4.1 libraries worked fine with the JON 3.01 server but not with the JON 3.1beta server, so we stepped up to the RHQ 4.4 libraries.  These work with the JON 3.1beta server but not with JON 3.01(= RHQ 4.2) nor with an RHQ 4.1 server.
>>> Below is the trraceback from trying to connect to either an RHQ 4.1 or an RHQ 4.2 server using the RHQ 4.4 libraries.
>>> Is this a known and purposeful incompatibility or is this unexpected.  Is there anything we can do about this other than use different sets of libraries for each RHQ server version (that differs)
>> This was a purposeful change that unintentionally affected backward compatibility.  We have maintained backward compatibility with existing scripts, meaning the API, but we have not maintained backward compatibility with newer clients talking to older servers.  It would be nice if it worked but it's not an explicit goal of the project.  Only API compatibility is an explicit goal.  The Availability class had some changes to the data types of existing fields, therefore breaking serialization between the old and new version.
>> This change went in with RHQ 4.4.  Only the 4.4 client will work with a 4.4 server, or a JON 3.1 server.  It is possible, although not confirmed, that an RHQ 4.3 API may work for earlier versions of RHQ and JON 3.0.x.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Steve
>>> Caused by: org.jboss.remoting.CannotConnectException: Can not connect http client invoker. org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability; incompatible types for field startTime. Response: OK/200.
>>> 	at org.jboss.remoting.transport.http.HTTPClientInvoker.useHttpURLConnection(
>>> 	at org.jboss.remoting.transport.http.HTTPClientInvoker.transport(
>>> 	at org.jboss.remoting.MicroRemoteClientInvoker.invoke(
>>> 	at org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke(
>>> 	at org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke(
>>> 	at org.jboss.remoting.Client.invoke(
>>> 	at org.rhq.enterprise.clientapi.RemoteClientProxy.doInvoke(
>>> 	at org.rhq.bindings.client.AbstractRhqFacadeProxy.invoke(
>>> 	at org.rhq.enterprise.clientapi.RemoteClientProxy.invoke(
>>> 	at $Proxy7.getCurrentAvailabilityForResource(Unknown Source)
>>> 	at com.ocsystems.rtiee.util.jon.JonClientSession.isResourceAvailable(
>>> 	... 8 more
>>> Caused by: org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability; incompatible types for field startTime
>>> 	at
>>> 	at
>>> 	at
>>> 	at
>>> 	at
>>> 	at
>>> 	at
>>> 	at
>>> 	at
>>> 	at
>>> 	at
>>> 	at
>>> 	at org.jboss.remoting.transport.http.HTTPClientInvoker.readResponse(
>>> 	at org.jboss.remoting.transport.http.HTTPClientInvoker.useHttpURLConnection(
>>> 	... 18 more
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