Modular scripting in CLI

Charles Crouch ccrouch at
Thu Jun 7 17:00:13 UTC 2012

----- Original Message -----

> I think the main reason for us to go through javax.script APIs is not
> to close the doors from supporting other languages, too. I didn't
> clearly stress it before but I do believe that we should leave it
> for our community to decide what scripting language they'd prefer by
> simple "voting with action". We have our rhq-samples github project
> which I think would be a
> great place for people to share utility scripts in whatever scripting
> language. By letting the community build around our support for
> multiple langs we effectively broaden the choice  for the community
> and also provide another area for external contributions.

I'm +1 on multi-language support for the RHQ CLI if its something we essentially can get for "free" based on other architectural choices.

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