Replace old graphs in RHQ with GWT ones. GSOC 2012

Jiri Kremser jkremser at
Fri Jun 1 21:00:21 UTC 2012

Hello Dennis,

good job so far! The JavaScript library for client-side can be used on the server side (for the needs of RESTful services) as well ( 

Another important aspect which should be considered in the comparison is the support from community (i.e. # of users/developers/commits in last month, etc.) for that JS charting library. Although it is hard to gather this kind of information, I think it is the most valuable for the final decision. Btw, last year I was doing almost the same survey among WS-stacks during my GSoC ( ,sorry JBoss-WS ;] )

I think it could be interesting idea to have the matrix as Mike suggested and then some kind of poll, like doodle for decision :]


----- Original Message -----
From: "mike thompson" <mithomps at>
To: "rhq-devel" <rhq-devel at>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 11:05:43 PM
Subject: Re: Replace old graphs in RHQ with GWT ones. GSOC 2012

Hi Dennis, 

I think it would be useful to see the various graphing libraries in a matrix (weighted perhaps) similar to this one for javascript frameworks: 

some of the important attributes I can see having are: 

html 5 canvas capable (and fallback method if not capable), 
formats supported jpg/png/pdf (mobile friendly?) 
# of chart types by category (bar/line/area/radar/xy scatter/combo) 
Level of interactiveness (legends,hovers and drilldowns) 
Can incorporate custom graphics (background images, icons) 
size (110 kb) 
dependency on other js libs (jquery, prototype, dojo...) 
some kind of community project health metric (mailing list traffic, amazon books, Stack Overflow questions / month) 
Largest Sites currently using 
Interesting features that stand out 
Lack of certain standard features 

Question for the team: Have we ruled out the server side graph generation? We could serve up our own graphs RESTfully from the server with libraries like jfreechart or jcharts, etc.. This could even have a gwt wrapper on the client side for integration. Since jpg or png is just one representation we could also get html or pdf representations of that chart as well. [I'm not sure what the performance difference is between server/client charts generation] 

Anyway, I hope this helps you going in the right direction. Team members please pipe in... 

-- Mike Thompson 

On May 30, 2012, at 2:47 AM, Denis Krusko wrote: 

Good day. 

I've been doing the task, "Replace old graphs in RHQ with GWT ones". 

I want to show You an overview of JS libraries, which I spent under this task: Choice Free JavaScript Data Visualization . 

List of libraries, that supports HTML5 and have attractive licensing policy: 

    • D3 ; 
    • jQuery Visualize ; 
    • Flotr2 ; 
    • JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit . 

Libraries with GWT support: 

    • Dojo GFX ; 
    • gRaphaël ; 
    • Google Chart Tools ; 
    • Flot ; 
    • Rickshaw ; 
    • Timeplot ; 
    • JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit ; 
    • arcadiaCharts ; 
    • Highcharts . 

I would like to see your comments on the choice of libraries for the RHQ-Project 

Thank You, 
Denis Krusko 

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