[BZ 703557] jmx plugin: auto-discover JVMs not exposed via JMX Remoting

Alan Santos asantos at redhat.com
Wed Jan 4 21:37:27 UTC 2012

Hi Ian -  a few questions below. 

Is the expectation that these would be manually added or every java process is automatically discovered? 

> 1) if the Agent is not running on a Sun, or Sun compatible, JDK (not JRE), then the tools.jar containing the Sun Attach APIs will not be available, and we cannot bundle the tools.jar with the Agent or the jmx plugin, because Sun/Oracle's license does not permit it; 

I assume that we could - technically speaking - push it out from the server?

I assume that's compliant, but don't know if it's feasible. My strong preference is to *not* requiring a JDK.

> 3) ...I think a good choice for the Resource key is the set of network addresses the JVM is listening on (e.g. "[tcp:,tcp:]");

> the patch from the community member looked for the Java system property "app.name" on the JVM command line and used that as the Resource key;

> I'm interested in any other ideas people have for the Resource key

Not sure I follow how you'll figure out what addresses the JVM is listening on and system properties *could* be set programmatically (preventing the need for a restart). 

Regardless, what about a multi-tiered approach - looking for a system property and falling back to a formula if not found? 


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