test execution times

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at redhat.com
Wed Dec 19 10:33:08 UTC 2012

On Tuesday, December 18, 2012 14:49:04 Jay Shaughnessy wrote:

... snip ...

> > 2) Use remote container instead of managed container
> > Arquillian handles starting and stopping a managed container whereas
> > the lifecycle of a remote container is not handled by Arquillian. I
> > kept my AS 7 instance running. Maybe Jay and/or Mazz have some
> > insights into whether or not there might be issues with using a remote
> > container.
> Certainly using a running remote server can speed things up since it
> avoids that setup/teardown, although I suspect it can affect a lot of
> the tests as written today, given that many freely perform transaction
> management and interact with the entitymanager.
> I have nothing against doing this when it make sense.  Perhaps you could
> give us some instructions if you have this working for certain tests.
>  From the perspective of jenkins CI runs the managed container certainly
> makes sense.


E.g. Jenkins does "mvn clean install" and gets the managed server. You as a 
developer do "mvn clean install -Premote-test-server" and run your test on the 
pre-started AS7 with a debugger attached. There are 2 pros to this: 1) you 
don't get the overhead of starting and stopping the full server for a single 
test run, 2) You can actually debug your test code ;)

I tried a similar approach in itests-2 module and for some reason it didn't 
work that well - but I didn't spend too much time on it since I knew we were 
making big changes in the module and its pom at that time so I kinda let it be 
and concentrated on other things.

But given how small those profiles are and how much utitility they provide I'd 
be very much for including something like this more "globally" in the build 
(if we manage to make it work everywhere)...

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