Cassandra Plugin

Michael Foley mfoley at
Thu Dec 6 21:00:20 UTC 2012

Hi Stefan, 

Your note #1 is of interest to me: 

1) Tests have been disabled at the moment because of missing Cassandra infrastructure to automatically start a Cassandra node or cluster. Until that is done plugin developers would need to manually re-enable these tests and have a Cassandra node running before executing them. 

As you may or may not know, JON QE now has an operational Bladecenter running with RHEV and Foreman. Currently we have a decent set of templates ...and through the Foreman UI we can instantiate a VM. With a bit of extra work ... we can do some provisioning so that when the VM starts ... software is installed and configured .... we do this now with JON. 

Here is what I am thinking: 

    * step #1 ... RHEV template + Kickstart + script ... we make it snap simple to start a Cassandra node through the Foreman UI. 
    * step #2 ... use this Cassandra node thing as a use-case .... start to develop an API (to be shared by JON development and JON QE) that can programmatically drive Foreman to set up test fixtures in the Bladecenter ...such as Cassandra. Picture this ... in @BeforeSuite you call this API which will automagically provision a Cassandra node ... then a whole bunch of @Test .... then in @AfterSuite we discard the VM. 

Any interest in doing the aforementioned for Cassandra? 

Michael Foley 
QE Lead, JBoss Operations Network 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Stefan Negrea" <snegrea at> 
To: "rhq-devel" <rhq-devel at> 
Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2012 3:44:40 PM 
Subject: Cassandra Plugin 

Hello Everybody, 

I just merged the Cassandra plugin branch into the master. The new plugin is compatible with Cassandra version 1.1.x. At this time Cassandra 1.2.x is not supported. Once 1.2.0 gets to stable we will make a decision if support will be added to the existing plugin (most likely) or they will be a separate plugin for the new version. 

A couple of notes: 
1) Tests have been disabled at the moment because of missing Cassandra infrastructure to automatically start a Cassandra node or cluster. Until that is done plugin developers would need to manually re-enable these tests and have a Cassandra node running before executing them. 
2) Self-referencing options sources was part of this branch and is now also available in master. Please see my previous emails about this feature improvement. 
Example of self-referencing option source (note :self portion): 
<c:simple-property name="snapshotName" required="true" type="string" description="Snapshot Name"> 
<c:option-source target="configuration" expression="snapshots/snapshot=name:self"/> 

Thank you, 
Stefan Negrea 

Software Engineer 

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