test execution times

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Mon Dec 3 08:19:12 UTC 2012

Am 03.12.2012 um 03:58 schrieb John Sanda:
> going on in MeasurementDataManagerBeanTest to cause such a long build time. I need to write more tests, but I consider this is a blocker. 
> The problem has to do with Arquillian, or more specifically, how we are using it.

And I also see TestNG here in the game, as Arquillian runs a lot better with JUnit. We also had to do many
tricks to work around bugs in TestNG. And in many places, TestNG runs "on top" of JUnit anyway, so that
we already have the JUnit jars in the test classpath already.

When TestNG came out, it was largely superior to Junit - version 3 at the time. Junit caught up with version 4
and seems to be in a much better shape - especially given that Cederic Beust is now working for Google on
the internal Android team.

tl;dr: if we do large revamping of the testing, we should consider removing TestNG and going to plain JUnit.


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