[GSoC] PyAgent summary

Krzysztof Kwaƛniewski krzykwas at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 20:40:29 UTC 2012

Hi all!

     As the GSoC 2012 program is about to finish, I would like to thank 
all the great people I could work with during this summer. Especially 
Heiko, who did an excellent job being my mentor for the PyAgent project.

     Although the tasks sketched at the beginning of the program were 
finished, in my opinion there is still some space for further 
development of PyAgent. I would like to still contribute to this 
project. Probably not that intensively as so far, as in a short time I 
will need to spend time on studying and I should start thinking about my 
master's thesis as well. All in all, this was a splendid and fruitful 



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