AS7 Plugin - Secure Connections to Server

Larry O'Leary loleary at
Wed Aug 1 20:22:41 UTC 2012

On Wed, 2012-08-01 at 13:23 -0400, Stefan Negrea wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Larry O'Leary" <loleary at>
> > To: rhq-devel at
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 10:53:16 AM
> > Subject: Re: AS7 Plugin - Secure Connections to Server
> > 
> > On Wed, 2012-08-01 at 11:36 -0400, Stefan Negrea wrote:
> > > 
> > > 1) Rely on users to import self-signed certificates into the
> > > default JVM keystore. Here is a good guide on how to do this
> > > . This approach does not require
> > > any changes to the code posted above, we will just need to
> > > document this in the RHQ wiki pages.
> > > 
> > > *I expect security savvy users to create an internal certificate
> > > signer and then import this certificate in all the JVMs in the
> > > infrastructure. All certificates signed with this root certificate
> > > will then be accepted by the JVM like any other certificate signed
> > > by one of the big certificate signers.
> > 
> > Bad idea and not secure as the JVM may be used for other
> > applications.
> > Additionally, this hadn't worked in the past when securing
> > agent-to-server communications as the keystore defined there
> > overrides
> > the system's default.
> The agent-to-server comm code explicitly overrides the default keystore and only for the comm layer purposes (the settings are not applied at JVM level). This is not the case for the AS7 plugin.
> I will reiterate this, from my experience a common use case is for users to create a local (for their entire environment) signing authority and import only that in each JVM. In that case, no specific certificate will ever be imported in the actual JVMs. With this signer certificate imported, each application could use any certificate signed by this "root" certificate as if it is a certificate signed by one of the major certificate signers.

Perhaps in development, but not in a production system. Instead, trusted
CAs are added to the JVM but application specific CAs are added to the
application. This allows tighter control over certificate chain
validation without the need to trust everyone for everything. For a
simple client/server this approach 

> > 
> > > 2) Rely on users to provide the JVM with a certificate store that
> > > contains the certificate to be used. This is very similar to
> > > Option 1 but the users will not modify the default store, rather
> > > they will configure the JVM to use a custom store. As previous
> > > option, we will just need to document this in the RHQ wiki pages.
> > > 
> > > Step 1) Export the certificate from the server
> > > Step 2) Create the keystore with the given certificate:
> > >
> > > Step 3) Include the following line in the
> > >"
> > 
> > This is on the right track but still not ideal. Because other
> > plug-ins
> > are installed and require the use of trust stores, such an
> > implementation is overriding the JVMs system-wide store.
> In this case all the plugins will need to use one single keystore.

Which is what we need to prevent and is the exact reason that connection
level properties should be used. As per the JVM API the default
implementation is available but it is recommended that the connection
handle access to a configured store. A store can only contain a single
type of certificate while certificates range in type.

> > Additionally,
> > this had not worked in the past when securing agent-to-server
> > communications.
> > 
> > The standard implementation for this is to define properties specific
> > to
> > the plug-in and the user specify the location of the trust store (and
> > key store if 2-way SSL is required) along with the required passwords
> > and store types. You specify these values either via command-line
> > arguments (non-optimal as they are for each resource) or via plug-in
> > configuration for that connection. Then you would use a custom SSL
> > factory which loaded the correct stores and configuration on a
> > resource
> > basis instead of globally in the JVM.
> This leads to a bigger discussion. How to design a facility to make certificates and certificate stores available to plugins. Since this initial AS7 plugin patch would just provide support for one-way encryption the code is much simpler and the requirements are not as complex as agent-server comm layer. I have not evaluated yet the need to use two-way encryption with AS7 but we will not be able to implement two-way encryption without implementing a generic certificate infrastructure for plugins.

Agreed. But the initial implementation doesn't have to be plug-in wide.
Instead, it could be implemented at the plug-in level as a connection
property. Basically, you need to throw out your idea of*
properties and properly implement the SSL socket factory. The* were intended for simple use-cases in where a single JVM
needed to communicate with a single server. In most cases, this was for

> Also, the individual certificate password problem will never occur in this case because the agent is just like a simple browser. All what users would need to import into a keystore is the public cert (which is never password protected).

Although it is not common, public keys can be password protected at the
store level. This prevent tampering with the store. Therefore, a
password may still be required to read the fingerprint. Perhaps this is
an edge case and many implementations do not support it but it is simple
to implement.

> > 
> > The fall-back is if the properties are not explicitly defined, the
> > JVM
> > global option is used allowing the user to still do what you propose
> > as
> > a fall-back method if they do not want to explicitly define it for
> > each
> > AS7 resource.
> There is one more problem with properties listed in the agent-configuration.xml. Every time something changes or a new store needs to be added, the user will have to go through an agent reconfiguration ( --cleanconfig). I do not think it is a good idea to expose properties for every single plugin. We will just make the configuration very tedious. 

I am not sure how you got that from what I said. This is a connection
property in the resource itself. Configuration is maintained on the

> Think about this use case. The agent is configured, running, and has some resources inventoried. The user installs an AS7 server and secures the http management interface with a self-signed certificate. The user would then need to stop the agent, and then manually go through the agent re-configuration process just to pick up a keystore for one plugin. Far from ideal... That is why I think JVM level options are much better alternative. The user should put all these self-signed certificates in a single store for our agent to use. It's a more natural approach and no full agent reconfiguration every time a new certificate is needed.

No restart of the agent should be needed.

> Our target user for this feature should be somebody already savvy with certificates and usage with Java. If somebody goes through the trouble of securing AS7 communication channels with certificates, then I expect them to have an advanced understanding of SSL/TLS and certificates. Thus no reason to design the AS7 feature for somebody with no knowledge into this (eg. 4 layers of fallback hoping that they will get it right somehow).

That is a scary statement. I have not met too many system administrators
who are "already savvy with certificates and usage with Java." It is the
exact opposite. The issues that I have dealt with in the RHQ arena
require hand holding because our existing process is so complex. System
administrators have more important things to do then understanding
developer tools provided with a JDK. 

> Do we have any indication that our users use self-signed certificates?

Yes. A mix of self-signed certificates along with certificates issued by
a CA which are not yet trusted by the JVM.

Larry O'Leary

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