gwt.draftCompile and coregui build failures

Ian Springer ian.springer at
Wed Apr 11 13:30:26 UTC 2012

> This may be the better way than to disable draft compile.
> I just got this following stack trace in the UI
> java.lang.RuntimeException:Failed to add ResourceOperationSchedule: resource=[Resource[id=10892, uuid=7544df3e-286f-46ad-82fd-fe311b600d4d, type={jboss-as-7}Datasources, key=subsystem=datasources, name=datasources]],job-name=[null], job-group=[null], operation-name=[addXADatasource], subject=[Subject[id=2,name=rhqadmin]], description=[null]
> Argument 0 for @NotNull parameter of org/rhq/core/domain/configuration/definition/ConfigurationDefinition.setName must not be null
> Failed to add ResourceOperationSchedule: resource=[Resource[id=10892, uuid=7544df3e-286f-46ad-82fd-fe311b600d4d, type={jboss-as-7}Datasources, key=subsystem=datasources, name=datasources]],job-name=[null], job-group=[null], operation-name=[addXADatasource], subject=[Subject[id=2,name=rhqadmin]], description=[null]
>     at Source)
>     at Unknown.flh(Unknown Source)
>     at Unknown.jlh(Unknown Source)
>     at Unknown.CCb(Unknown Source)
>     at Unknown.LQh(Unknown Source)
>     at Unknown.wo(Unknown Source)
>     at Unknown.Zo(Unknown Source)
>     at Unknown.anonymous(Unknown Source)
>     at Unknown.wh(Unknown Source)
>     at Unknown.zh(Unknown Source)
>     at Unknown.anonymous(Unknown Source)
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument 0 for @NotNull parameter of org/rhq/core/domain/configuration/definition/ConfigurationDefinition.setName must not be null
>     at Source)
>     at Unknown.fg(Unknown Source)
>     at Unknown.txb(Unknown Source)
>     at Unknown.yxb(Unknown Source)

It looks like you compiled core-domain using IntelliJ at some point and 
had the "Add NotNull assertions" option enabled under Project Settings > 
Compiler. Make sure that option is disabled, and then do a mvn clean 
install of core-domain (or a Rebuild Project from IntelliJ if you prefer 
using IntelliJ to compile).


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