[GSoC-2012] Implement a RHQ storage backend using Infinispan

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Thu Apr 5 08:59:18 UTC 2012


Am 04.04.2012 um 23:30 schrieb Kostya Lutovich:

> My name is Konstantin Lutovich.
> I'm a student from ukrainian national university of Kyiv. Got bs degree last year and now studying to get the master one.
> I liked the idea of implementing RHQ storage backend using Infinispan and want to contribute it as a GSoC project.
> Now I would like to get familiar with RHQ and Infinispan because I have not used them before.
> For now I've build RHQ, looked a bit through the confluence and source and started with some quickstarts on Infinispan.
> Now I am going to continue working with documentation. Would like to ask what modules of RHQ should I look at for now?
> Any suggestions are highly appreciated :)

The relevant module is the server jar and here especially the MeasurementDataManagerBean with

Then there are numerical Baselines and a few hourly jobs that also iterate on that data.

One of the key factors here is that a metric is always identified by a scheduleId - that is it's primary key
(technically the PK is <scheduleId, timestamp>, but that does not matter for this discussion). So in 
order to be able to scale the backend Infinispan infrastructure, by adding more nodes, it is important
to co-locate data with the same scheduleId together. When e.g. retrieving metrics for a graph, the data
for one schedule and a time range is obtained. When doing the hourly compression job, data for a schedule
is aggregated and so on.
Aside from simple storage and retrieval of data, I also expect the backend Infinispan instance to do the
hourly jobs (aggregateion, baseline compression, deletion of old data).
Also if for a graph display the data needs to be aggregated, I expect that to be done on the Infinispan instance.

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Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München HRB 153243
Geschaeftsführer:  Mark Hegarty, Charlie Peters, Michael Cunningham, Charles Cachera

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