new default metric collection intervals

Ian Springer ian.springer at
Mon Sep 26 20:11:39 UTC 2011

Comments inline below.

On 09/26/2011 12:06 PM, John Mazzitelli wrote:
> Based on the kind of metric (dynamic, trait, calltime), whether it is a
> collection interval. I am going to increase those defaults. Here is the
> current defaults, along with my proposed increases - let me know what
> you think about the new values (too high? too low?). The intervals
> listed below are in minutes:
>                        DEFAULTS
> Metric Type        Current, New
> =================================================
>     SUMMARY:
>       Platform:      1       10
>       Server:        5       20
>       Service:      10       30
>     DETAIL: (these are just doubled from above)
>       Platform:      2       20
>       Server:       10       40
>       Service:      20       60
>     SUMMARY:        10       30
>     DETAIL:         30       60
> CALLTIME:          1       10
> ANY OTHER METRIC: 10       30

These look good. I would go even a bit higher for the service defaults, 
since users could have 5k or 10k services per platform - perhaps 
10-20-40 and 20-40-80.

> (side note: for those not familiar, a metric is set as a "summary"
> metric by the "displayType" attribute in the<metric>  metadata - its
> just a way to let the system know you want to show its graph on the main
> Monitoring tab - if it is a "detail" as opposed to "summary" metric, the
> graph isn't shown by default and we just show the data in the Tables
> subtab of the Monitoring tab).

and for traits, summary traits are shown in the summary header (the 
expandable area above the tab bar), whereas detail traits are not shown 

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