drift: Golden Images

Alan Santos asantos at redhat.com
Fri Sep 9 13:18:55 UTC 2011

On Sep 8, 2011, at 8:15 PM, John Sanda wrote:
> * coverage change set
> The initial change set that the agent generates is called a coverage 
> change set. This is to let the server know that we are simply adding 
> files for drift monitoring. A coverage change set includes all files 
> that are being monitored for drift. It is in effect a snapshot.

Is this an internal concept or is it ever be presented to a user?

> * drift change set
> A drift change set contains only a set of deltas. Unlike a coverage 
> change set, it includes only those files that have changed.

ditto - internal concept or user concept? 

Alan Santos
JBoss Product Manager
alan.santos at redhat.com

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