augueas dep on plugin-container

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at
Thu Sep 1 08:04:26 UTC 2011

On Wednesday, August 31, 2011 22:56:53 Ian Springer wrote:
> It should be noted that the Agent also has a dep on augeas, specifically
> on a zipfile containing the augeas shared libraries. I think this is
> done so the shared libs can be included in the Agent's shared library
> path upon startup. I'm not sure why the plugin container would need a
> dep on augeas. Lukas will know.

I actually don't know why PC has the dependency on Augeas as I wasn't involved 
in the Augeas - Agent integration work. I suspect there are at least two 
reasons though.

1) We have this ANT script to gather sigar, augeas and plugins needed for 
integration test of a plugin. This script assumes that the augeas native libs 
are already in the local maven repository and thus we need to have some module 
that builds before all the plugins declare that dep.

2) Agent is assembled using an ant script that again assumes all the 
dependecies are already present in the local maven repository.

I think Filip just chose plugin container module to declare the dep on augeas-
native because it fulfils both of the requirements above. That is not to say I 
like this solution - it feels quite out of place.

At the same time, I didn't want to change that approach just for the sake of 
it this close to the release.

> On 08/31/2011 02:03 PM, John Mazzitelli wrote:
> > I'm curious why plugin-container module has a dependency on augeas. the
> > PC should not have a dependency on augeas - the PC is platform agnostic
> > and no code should be relying on a very platform specific library like
> > augeas.
> > 
> > If this is here to support packaging of the distro (which I suspect it
> > is) we should come up with another way. I know the augeas plugin itself
> > has the dependency (as well it should) so I would think that should be
> > good enough.
> > 

AFAICT, this really is because of the distro packaging and I agree we should 
change the way we declare that dependency.

Augeas plugin has a dependency on augeas java bindings but doesn't have a 
dependency on the augeas native libraries themselves - these are assumed 

> > Anyway, I think we should discuss this, just so its clear why it is
> > there and if possible, change it.
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