Webservices build issue on OS/X

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Tue Oct 11 15:01:16 UTC 2011


was just looking at this again and it looks like there may be a simple
solution - unless I am missing something obvious:

in prepare-wsdl ( modules/enterprise/remoting/webservices/src/main/scripts/rhq-client.build.xml

there is 

      <mkdir dir="${java.jre.home}/lib" />
      <mkdir dir="${java.jre.home}/../lib" />     (1)  
      <path id="jbossws.native.classpath">
         <fileset dir="${java.jre.home}/lib/" includes="*.jar" />
         <fileset dir="${java.jre.home}/../lib/" includes="*.jar" />   (2) 

We are trying to create a directory in (1) - which fails - to use it in (2),
but as we would have just created it in (1), there can be no files in (2),
so (1) and (2) are not needed and can be removed.

Could someone please check on non-OS/X ?


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