POM file changes: unnecessary declarations of projectId and versionId

Robert Buck rbuck at redhat.com
Mon Oct 10 12:40:31 UTC 2011


Please refrain from forming judgments not based in fact. Rather, letting 
the facts be known, let me draw your attention to the manual 
(Introduction to the POM, Section 4, Paragraph 5):

    "...if we want the groupId and / or the version of your modules to
    be the same as their parents, you can remove the groupId and / or
    the version identity of your module in its POM."

This stuff has been in Maven since its dawn of time. And as this reduces 
the defect surface and improves developer productivity, I think you 
should reconsider your positions.

I think we should be encouraging folks to reduce both the attack and 
defect surface of JON, not increase it or acquiesce to the ways things 
have always been done, especially when they aren't right.


On 10/07/2011 10:41 AM, Charles Crouch wrote:
> Well the base hudson build of master passed with these changes, but I echo your concerns mazz.
> If this causes problems for spinder and stefan re: the releases builds, we're going to have to roll it back.
> I don't think there is any disagreement that our build can be improved, it just needs to be done carefully and in concert for all parts of our process, not just dev builds.
> Thanks
> Charles
> ----- Original Message -----
>> I can tell you way back when, our poms did not specify things that
>> should have been inherited from the parent but it didn't work
>> (probably
>> due to maven bugs perhaps) and so we had to add them back in. Things
>> you
>> wouldn't think would be needed were.
>> So, I would be careful when doing things like this without discussing
>> with Ian. Ian did ALOT of tweeking of these poms over the years and
>> many
>> times I noticed he added or removed things that you would think
>> wouldn't
>> be needed but were.
>> On 10/07/2011 09:25 AM, Robert Buck wrote:
>>>    Hello,
>>> I just pushed a change to some of the Maven POM files; I cleaned up
>>> some
>>> redundant declarations that made using IntelliJ with the RHQ
>>> project
>>> intolerable. Prior to this change nearly every third-party import,
>>> reference to types, and the like, would show up in red-line mode in
>>> source files, making it impossible to distinguish between
>>> legitimate
>>> coding typos/mistakes and Maven ones. While the change does not
>>> completely fix all Maven-to-IntelliJ integration issues, it does at
>>> least make use of IntelliJ tolerable with the RHQ project.
>>> Properties that are inherited from a parent-POM should not be
>>> redeclared
>>> a second time. If this is done, source files in that module will
>>> show up
>>> as code-red files.
>>> <parent>
>>> <groupId>org.rhq</groupId>
>>> <artifactId>rhq-core-parent</artifactId>
>>> <version>4.1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>>> </parent>
>>> *<groupId>org.rhq</groupId>*<  UNNECESSSARY
>>> <artifactId>rhq-core-domain</artifactId>
>>> <packaging>ejb</packaging>
>>> The fix was simple, to remove the second groupId declaration.
>>> diff --git a/modules/enterprise/server/ear/pom.xml
>>> b/modules/enterprise/server/ear/pom.xml
>>> index 783e377..b0a5468 100644
>>> --- a/modules/enterprise/server/ear/pom.xml
>>> +++ b/modules/enterprise/server/ear/pom.xml
>>> @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
>>> <relativePath>../../../../pom.xml</relativePath>
>>> </parent>
>>> *-<groupId>org.rhq</groupId>*
>>> <artifactId>rhq-enterprise-server-ear</artifactId>
>>> <packaging>ear</packaging>
>>> For those IntelliJ users out there, hope your life is easier now.
>>> Lets
>>> find other ways of improving the POM files so that other IntelliJ
>>> limitations due to our use of Maven are resolved.
>>> -Bob
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