New Release Script

Stefan Negrea snegrea at
Tue Oct 4 02:34:12 UTC 2011

Hello Everybody,

The new script is almost complete. The work can be found on this branch:;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/stefan/release_updates 

Here are major changes for this version:
1) Full support for the tagging and branching model described on
2) Robust parsing of script options with getopt.
3) The actual work is abstracted away in functions. The main script is just a set of function calls. This makes the script modular and easier to understand. 
4) Very generic functions are now abstracted into a lib file shared with the publish_release script.
5) The maven release plugin is replaced by maven versions plugin + git commands. This makes the tagging procedure easier to debug, understand, and update.
6) Better overall documentation. For example, the tagging algorithm has documentation for each line.

I would appreciate some feedback before I merge. Simeon is already reviewing the script but more eyes would be greatly appreciated.

I am still testing the script which might lead to a couple more changes, but the script should be fairly stable. If you see some weird branches and tags being added to git do not get alarmed, I will clean everything up once I am done.

Thank you,
Stefan Negrea

Software Engineer

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