POC: Operation scheduling over the REST api

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Mon Nov 21 15:12:03 UTC 2011


feature/rest branch now has the ability to schedule resource operations. This is still very limited as it
only allows for parameter-less operations at the moment and also only reports the operation status,
but show how this can be done in a way that can be done from a variety of languages.
I've tried to use the linking in this approach to start with one public endpoint for a client to know

Here is a log of the actions done with some comments.
For those less familiar with rest, the links below sometimes have some "standard"-rel:
- a rel of "edit" means rud (PUT,GET,DELETE)
- a rel of "self" gives the location of an edit
- a rel of "create" means POST (could also mean PUT when the id of the object to create is known to the client)


# Getting the platforms
$ curl --user rhqadmin:rhqadmin http://localhost:7080/rest/1/resource/platforms -HContent-Type:application/json
[{"typeName":"Mac OS X",

# Getting one resource
$ curl --user rhqadmin:rhqadmin http://localhost:7080/rest/1/resource/10001 -HContent-Type:application/json
{"typeName":"Mac OS X",

# Get the operation definitions for that resource
$ curl --user rhqadmin:rhqadmin http://localhost:7080/rest/1/operation/definitions\?resourceId=10001 -HContent-Type:application/json

# Get one operation definition
$ curl --user rhqadmin:rhqadmin http://localhost:7080/rest/1/operation/definition/10025\?resourceId=10001 -HContent-Type:application/json

# Create a new (draft) operation from the definition above
# ( use > /tmp/foo to store the json for further local processing )
$ curl --user rhqadmin:rhqadmin http://localhost:7080/rest/1/operation/definition/10025\?resourceId=10001 -HContent-Typcation/json -X POST

# View the draft (not necessary for scheduling)
$ curl --user rhqadmin:rhqadmin http://localhost:7080/rest/1/operation/-970811016 -HContent-Type:application/json -X GET 

# Put an update (state field is "ready" now) and thus schedule the operation to run
# input in /tmp/foo is the (modified) return from the POST above
# Note state has to be  "ready" for scheduling
$ curl --user rhqadmin:rhqadmin http://localhost:7080/rest/1/operation/-970811016 -HContent-Type:application/json -X PUT -d @/tmp/foo

# See how the edit link is now gone and a history link points to the operation result
$ curl --user rhqadmin:rhqadmin http://localhost:7080/rest/1/operation/history/rhq-resource-10001-735590344-1321879298180_=_rq-resource-10001

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