Update Resource Configs via rhq-cli

Rafael Soares rafaelcba at gmail.com
Mon May 30 19:49:02 UTC 2011


I need to enable the log events for a lot of JBossAS5 resources. This task
is boring and takes a long time to finish if you do it manually through RHQ
UI. So I'm trying to do this via rhq-cli. how can I update a JBossAS5
resource's configuration using the RHQ Remote/Domain API?

I'm trying using a JS script like this:

var serverJBoss = ProxyFactory.getResource(<resource ID>);
var mapJBossConfig =

This return a java.util.Map holding the PropertySimple's objects like this:

{*enabled*=PropertySimple[id=345369, name=enabled, value=false,
override=null], *logFilePath*=PropertySimple[id=345368, name=logFilePath,
override=null], *includesPattern*=PropertySimple[id=345371,
name=includesPattern, value=null, override=null],
name=minimumSeverity, value=null, override=null],
name=dateFormat, value=null, override=null]}

After update these ProperySimple's objs how can I update the Resource's
Configuration on Server? Can someone help me?

Rafael Torres Coelho Soares
rafaelcba at gmail.com
Brasília - DF - Brasil
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