Creation of child resources

Ian Springer ian.springer at
Thu May 12 12:35:32 UTC 2011

On 05/11/2011 03:16 PM, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
> Hi,
> for as7, deploying an app is a 3 step process
> - upload the file into the domain
> - add it to the domain
> - add it to a server group
> Steps 1&2 are usually done in one go. But the user may select to have step 3 separately
> (e.g. when uploading an app to the domain and then in turn activating it on 'test', 'integration' and
> 'production' server groups).
> How can I tell the plugin (at server group level) via plugin descriptor to either
> take an upload (works) or take it from some existing source?

What would the existing source be - an arbitrary URL, or a package in 
the RHQ content subsystem?
> Is the later possible at all?
>     Heiko

Ian Springer
Principal Software Developer
JBoss Operations Network
Red Hat
ian.springer at

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