RHQ Feature updates or bugs?

Ian Springer ian.springer at redhat.com
Tue May 10 14:13:40 UTC 2011

On 05/10/2011 02:58 AM, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
> Am 09.05.2011 um 22:50 schrieb Ian Springer:
>>>                  pluginConfiguration.put(new PropertySimple(JMXDiscoveryComponent.CONNECTION_TYPE,
>>>                      LocalVMTypeDescriptor.class.getName()));
>> I thought the LocalVMTypeDescriptor conn type was for when the managed
>> JMX server was inside the same process as the RHQ plugin container, at
> It works for the Hadoop plugin, where all the hadoop processes are outside the VM.

I checked the EMS source code and indeed it using the Java Attach API to 
discover all VMs on the local machine. I always assumed the "Local" in 
the connection type classname meant "local to the JVM", but apparently 
it actually means "local to the machine". For anyone else that's curious 
what EMS does under the covers to discover the JVMs, the meat of the 
code is in this class:


So this should make it a lot easier for us to add support to the jmx 
plugin for discovering and managing non-JMX-remoting JVMs. Good catch, 

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