Need advice about server-side actions

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at
Thu Jun 23 09:03:13 UTC 2011

On Wednesday, June 22, 2011 22:39:46 Steven North wrote:
> Hi,
> I am investigating how I might accomplish the following scenario using RHQ:
> - define an alert on, say, a JBoss metric;
> - when that alert is triggered perform an operation on another resource
> to get a log file
>    through the SupportFacet; and
> - make the URL of that log file available in the RHQ UI as a link (so it
> can be clicked
>    by the user to download the file and start the proper program to view
> it).
> It seems like the log file can be acquired using a CLI script
> notification sender.  Presumably the script can obtain the id of the
> resource that originates the alert.  Deriving the id of the resource to
> be the target of the "get log file" operation will be harder because the
> alert can't provide it.
> How about making the URL of log file available in the RHQ UI?  I suppose
> the URL could be e-mailed, but is there a way to get the URL displayed
> on the RHQ UI with the alert?  Can the URl be in the Alert Notifications
> Message field?  Would that show up as an active link in the browser?
> (Guess I can try to get it there and see.)

In my blog post about the CLI Script alert sender I actually showcase that the 
script's output is being captured and shown in the RHQ UI:

That said the place this gets shown is not very prominent, as you already 
found out and as others already said, the link most probably wouldn't be 

> Thoughts?  Pointers to examples of these activities?
> Thanks in advance,
> Steve
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