Need advice about agent plugin design

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Thu Jun 16 21:23:28 UTC 2011

OK, Steve, sorry for not answering this earlier. The reason is because I 
don't think I have good answers for them :) Either that or I don't have 
a good grasp of what you need.

On 05/29/2011 09:13 PM, Steven North wrote:
> I am trying to design an RHQ/JON agent plugin to manage a software
> resource with the following characteristics:
> - there is the software itself (the installation);
> - there are a variable number of "bundles" of configuration information
> about 250KB in size each which need to be read from and written to the
> agent; and
> - there are "log" files which can 10-50MB in size each which need to be
> read from the agent.

We have the Event subsystem that can read log files and report them back 
up to the server - one log message equals one RHQ event. However, this 
is normally not used in an on-going basis for constant and continual 
monitoring of log files. People usually just enable events on a resource 
for a short time, to collect logs for a particular resource while doing 
debugging or analysis. The backend event storage in RHQ is strictly in 
the normal RHQ database and as such is not efficient for storing large, 
ongoing log files (do not think of this as a "Splunk" type model). So 
I'm not sure if the events subsystem is what you want, but at least its 
something to look at.

> I think I am pretty clear on how to handle the software itself--just
> like any number of other agents.
> I am not sure how to handle the configuration bundles and the large log
> files.
> We might want to have the RHQ/JON server manage different versions of
> these configuration files and distribute them to multiple remote agents.

We used to have the concept of "Raw Configuration" (which was to support 
raw configuration files) but time constraints among other things cause 
us to stop that work (though some of that work still exists in the code, 
its not fully baked, we plan on returning to that at some point). So, 
this is a non-starter unless and until the raw config support is completed.

We could look at the "ResourceFactoryFacet" which is how we do things 
like deploy individual files to a resource (we use this, for example, to 
deploy a WAR file to JBossAS). Its conceivable this can be used to ship 
any file you want - this is the <content> metadata tag in the descriptor.

Finally, the new bundle subsystem can also be considered, however, its 
purpose was mainly to support shipping out bulk distributions of entire 
software installs (like a JBossAS distribution zip file or something 
like that). But there is no reason why it couldn't be used to ship out 
smaller bundles of content. I just committed into the master branch the 
ability to push bundles to non-platform resources (see BZ 644328 at ), which would 
probably make this a bit easier and might make it be more acceptable to 
use bundles for something like this.

I'm just throwing things out there - you'd have to look at these 
concepts and see what makes sense and if you want to use those to do 
what you want.

> Is there some existing domain object that would handle the read/write
> aspect of the configuration bundles (zip files)?  Could the "package"
> concept be used for these?  Would we need to create a new domain object
> on the server side for these bundles?  If so, is there an example of
> this kind of thing?

Right - the "package" concept you are talking about is that 
"ResourceFactoryFacet" / <content> thing I mentioned above. That might 
be useful here.

Creating a new domain object or adding server-side EJBs cannot be done. 
We aren't pluggable in that manner. That would require a fork/patch to 
RHQ, and obviously mean you'd have to package and build RHQ yourself 
with your changes.

We are pluggable on the agent side using agent plugins, and we are 
pluggable on the server side using server-plugins, but as for adding 
domain objects and server-side business tier objects like EJBs, we 
aren't easily pluggable there.

> For the log files, I see some mention of the SupportFacet.  Would this
> be appropriate for retrieving large log files?  Is there an example of this?

Yes, I believe (from just talking to you) you figured this out :) The 
SupportFacet allows you to zip up any files you want. There is no 
support for capturing snapshots in the GUI today, its only available 
through the CLI. If you think this is a useful feature, we should 
probably consider doing something in the GUI to have a better 
integration here.

> We expect to access the configuration bundles and the log files using
> remote client operations because we have a separate GUI tool to
> build/edit the configuration bundles and to correlate and analyze the
> log files.  Is there an example of using a remote client to pull files
> from and push files to remote agents?

The architecture and design of RHQ is to specifically prohibit remote 
clients from talking directly to agents. Servers talk to agents and if 
remote clients want to talk to agents, they must do so indirectly 
through the server over the remote server API.

You could write a server-side plugin to act as a proxy to the agent and 
do specific things, but the server plugin would still need to go through 
the server-side EJB/SLSB API to talk to the agent.

Your remote clients can push/pull content from the agent indirectly 
using things like the ResourceFactoryFacet (the package stuff you were 
referring to, though that is not really appropriate for log files and 
config files and the like, that is more for things like content that 
doesn't change - like versioned jar libraries and things like that) or 
the SupportFacet or the Bundle subsystem.

Of course, there is nothing stopping your custom agent plugin component 
from exposing its own server-socket (for example) and listen for custom 
remote client comm, but that just circumvents RHQ entirely. Still, that 
is a possibility. Depends on what you want to do.

John Mazz

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