JON Plugin for Websphere patching

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Thu Jun 9 16:49:56 UTC 2011

A couple of years ago, someone already did this:

You might want to read that to get a feel for what that person did to 
detect websphere app servers.

On 06/09/2011 12:47 PM, Bill Pulec wrote:
> I am wondering how intensive writing  a JON plugin to discover the Websphere servers would be. Is extending JON to do that fairly straight forward or would be more involved(I am guessing it would)? Are there mechanisms to easily extend JON's GUI and detection to do this or would it literally be going into JON's source and writing a new GUI and detection system?
> We're trying to get a good grasp on the difficult and manpower involved in carrying out extending JON with these features.
> -Bill

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