Apache resource upgrade integration tests

Charles Crouch ccrouch at redhat.com
Mon Jul 11 18:51:05 UTC 2011

----- Original Message -----
> This is not to say that the upgrade itself will succeed in all those
> scenarios. The upgrade procedure is not omniscient and will fail
> deterministically in situations where it can't be sure what the
> original
> inventory actually represented due to the non-determinisms in the past
> versions of the plugin.

Can you elaborate on what state the system will be in if an upgrade "fails"
and also the expected type of next steps are a user should take to get themselves into a consistent state, assuming state after upgrade "failure" is inconsistent.


> The upgrade method of the apache plugin tries to provide some info on
> why the
> upgrade procedure failed, although that will be slightly improved in
> due time
> (hopefully tomorrow). Together with the recent updates to the way the
> plugin
> container reports the upgrade failures, this should give the users
> quite
> enough information to resolve the problematic inventories.
> Thanks,
> Lukas
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