coregui upgraded to SmartGWT 2.4

Ian Springer ian.springer at
Wed Jan 5 21:02:54 UTC 2011

Fyi, I just upgraded coregui from our home-built 2.2.RHQ2 version of 
SmartGWT to the just released 2.4 official release [1]. I did 20 minutes 
or so of smoke testing and I didn't find any regressions, but we'll need 
to keep an eye out and hopefully come up with fixes for anything that 
crops up, rather than downgrading. If we don't hit any blockers that 
force us to downgrade in the next week or so, we can consider also 
upgrading GWT to 2.1.1, with which SmartGWT 2.4 is compatible.

Once you pull this commit, you'll need to do a mvn clean install of 
coregui to make sure the old smartgwt jars get deleted from your 
coregui.war's WEB-INF/lib/.


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