inventory connection changes and/or different use cases with auto-discovery / adding resources manually / plugin updates / resource key purpose

Andreas Dietrich adi at
Mon Jan 3 12:36:28 UTC 2011


there seems to be another related and important problem to the whole 
issue with resource keys, auto discovery, adding resources manually and 
updating the plugin (configuration):

To explain it I'd like to explain it with help of our own case:

- L) we have a Logreader plugin in place with various config attributes 
(logfilePath, errorPattern, warnPattern, excludePattern, 
skipInitialLines, ...)

- what we want from each side regarding the resource keys:

-- AD) auto discovery: if we discovered a log file we do not want to 
discover it again with another resource key
     => LP (log file path only approach): logfilePath should be 
sufficient as resource key

-- ARM) adding resources manually/Logreaders: we would like to be able 
to add different Logreaders for the same log file
     => LP+ (log file path + other attributes approach): logfilePath + 
all or part of the other config attributes (see L) above) should make up 
the (initial) resource key

- U) if we update our Logreader plugin and have added some new attribute 
that has to go into the resource key calculation, we would basically 
auto-discover every existing Logreader when using LP+ because the 
resource key calculation has changed
     => IR (ignore auto discovered resources on plugin attribute update 
approach): we would have to ignore all the newly discovered resources 
(which is not always simple to do because one has to check if there is 
no Logreader that is really newly discovered and a duplicate of an 
existing one)
     => SR (import the newly discovered resources and uninventory the 
old ones approach): this is something we don't like as explained in 
detail here:

=> since LP and LP+ are valid requirements, but go against each other 
with the current RHQ implementation, I think they should not be based on 
the same "resource key" definition

S) (solution to the LP <-> LP+ / AD <-> ARM <-> U conflict)
 From my point of view we basically only need the "resource key" for 
auto-discovery-identity-management (LP approach above).

(=> We could think of it as "auto discovery resource key" or "if auto 
discovery finds a new resource, have a look if we should treat it as new 
or existing => thus compare the resource keys")

If we still need it for ARM: If we wan't to add resources manually there 
could be a hint "Another resource with the same logfilePath already 
exists. Are you sure to continue adding this resource (configuration)?".

S.1) The resource key should now be the same as the existing one, e.g. 
"/mypath/logfile.log" and thus it would not be a unique sibling anymore. 
Does this matter so much?
S.1.U) Additionally this would solve the problems related to U since the 
logfilePath most likely stays the same.

Some comments to other thoughts and their implications I had 
implementing something else than S.1:

S.2) The resource gets a new id and a resource key appended by e.g. some 
smallest positive integer >= 1 so the resource key does not exist yet, 
e.g. "/mypath/logfile.log (3)" if "/mypath/logfile.log (2)" already 
exists. (One should know this concept from MS Windows/Office behaviour ;-))
=> S.2.ADC) auto discovery conflict: if we would uninventory the first 
discovered resource "/mypath/logfile.log" and have "/mypath/logfile.log 
(3)" left we would again discover a new resource with key 
"/mypath/logfile.log" without further "investigation" ala "resource_key 
like '/mypath/logfile.log%'" (S.2.ADE - auto discovery duplicate 
resource key exists algorithm).
=> S.2.U) U would be solved with S.2.ADE
=> why so much effort if S.1 is sufficient

S.3) Leaving the resource key null would lead to a similar problem like 
S.2.ADC, but there would potentially be a lot more resource keys of 
different logfilePaths we can't find a simple solution like the S.2.ADE for.

What do you think? Did I miss something suggesting to implement S + S.1?

Kind regards
Andreas :-)

On 01/03/2011 11:39 AM, Lukas Krejci wrote:
> Hi,
> The name of the resource cannot be changed programatically in RHQ<= 3 in the
> plugin code. The only option you have is either to change the name manually
> using the UI or use the RHQ CLI and have a script that would periodically scan
> for changes in the plugin configs and rename the resources accordingly.
> In RHQ 4 however, this is going to be possible from within your plugin code
> with the resource upgrade functionality, but you're still going to have to do
> a bit of manual setup to get it working.
> You can read about the resource upgrade on our wiki:
> Using the resource upgrade functionality, you are currently able to upgrade
> the resource's key, name and description. But the RHQ server is by default
> configured to ignore the name and description changes (so that we don't
> override the custom values users might have assigned to their resources).
> Currently there is no way of changing that configuration from the UI.
> To enable the upgrade of resource name and description, you have to change the
> RHQ server system configuration using this SQL (for Postgres):
> (nextval('rhq_system_config_id_seq'), 'RESOURCE_GENERIC_PROPERTIES_UPGRADE',
> 'true');
> and restart the server.
> In your plugin code, you'll have to make your discovery class implement the
> ResourceUpgradeFacet interface and implement the upgrade() method along the
> lines of:
> public ResourceUpgradeReport
> upgrade(ResourceUpgradeContext<HttpHostResourceComponent>  context) {
> Configuration pluginConfig = context.getPluginConfiguration();
> //TODO extract the values from plugin config
> String hostname = null;
> String port = null;
> //TODO implement
> String newResourceName = generateResourceName(hostname, port);
> ResourceUpgradeReport report = new ResourceUpgradeReport();
> report.setNewResourceName(newResourceName);
> return report;
> }
> Lukas
> On Tuesday, December 28, 2010 07:04:51 Lin Gao wrote:
>> Hi:
>>     If the value of one inventory connection is part of the resource
>> component name, how to make the resource component name reflecting the
>> changes of the inventory connection value.
>>    below is an example:
>>    rhq-plugin.xml:
>> <server name="HttpServer-Host" description="Http server host and port"
>>               discovery="HttpHostDiscoveryComponent"
>> class="HttpHostResourceComponent"
>>               supportsManualAdd="true">
>> <plugin-configuration>
>> <c:simple-property name="host" description="host of target http server" />
>> <c:simple-property name="port"  description="port of target http server" />
>> </plugin-configuration>
>> </server>
>> public Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails>  discoverResources(
>>               ResourceDiscoveryContext<HttpHostResourceComponent>  context)
>>               throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException, Exception {
>>           Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails>  result = new
>> HashSet<DiscoveredResourceDetails>();
>>           for(Configuration config: context.getPluginConfigurations()){
>>               String host = config.getSimpleValue(PLUGIN_CONFIG_HOST_KEY,
>> null);
>>               Integer port =
>> Integer.valueOf(config.getSimpleValue(PLUGIN_CONFIG_PORT_KEY, "80"));
>>               String resourceKey = "HTTP_CHECK_" + host + ":" + port;
>>               String resourceName = "Http Checker on: " + host + ":" + port;
>>               String resourceVersion = "1.0.0";
>>               String resourceDescription = "Http Checker on server: " +
>> host + ":" + port + ".";
>>               DiscoveredResourceDetails resource = new
>> DiscoveredResourceDetails(context.getResourceType(), resourceKey,
>> resourceName, resourceVersion, resourceDescription, config, null);
>>               result.add(resource);
>>           }
>>           return result;
>>       }
>> If the host is defined to: and port to: 80 when the server is
>> added manually, the name of this resource component in the navigate tree
>> is: "Http Checker on:", after that, if the host is
>> changed(inventory->connection->edit...), the name of the resource
>> component in the navigate tree is not changed, even re load the tree, so
>> how to make it changed also?
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