Thoughts on displaying 'Recent Package History' and 'Recent Bundle Deployments' on Group Activity page...

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Thu Feb 24 21:56:08 UTC 2011

> So when viewing either a)platform resource b)group containing a platform(mixed/compatible) is when we'd want to show most recent bundle deployments? Are these the only cases we need to cover for Resource/Group Activity?

you only want to show *bundle* activity for platforms or groups that 
only contain all platforms

> Were you thinking of changing the icon being used throughout the bundle UI as well? Or just on this one screen?

the bundle icons stay the same. I was recommending we come up with a new 
icon for "packages" for this one summary page - the bundle pages remain 
as is since they keep the bundle icons (i.e. all the icons with the 
boxes in them - there are many icons with the boxes - deployments, 
destinations, bundle versions, etc - all have that box theme, so the box 
stays the same when refering to bundles)

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