rhq plugin tool chain

Charles Crouch ccrouch at redhat.com
Mon Feb 14 15:46:39 UTC 2011

----- Original Message -----
> Am 14.02.2011 um 14:33 schrieb Charles Crouch:
> > 1) Start off with a .txt file containing mbean names and attribute
> > values to be monitored
> There are two starting points imo:
> 1a) existing "binary" MBean that should be monitored
> 1b) new MBean to be written
> > 2) Generate an rhq-plugin.xml from the .txt file in 1). This would
> > extend the jmx plugin, and for basic monitoring require no java code
> > in the plugin
> 2a) the .txt file could be partially created by connecting to the
> MBean server and reading the attributes and operations of the MBean.
> here the user needs to take the .txt file, and augment it with
> semantics
> 2b) use annotations from modules/helpers/pluginAnnotations and put
> them on the source so that the semantics are there. Then
> use a doclet in conjunction with the pluginGen to create a full plugin
> descriptor like Galder has done.

Good suggestions. There are lots of options for how to generate the plugin descriptor.
Have you got a link to Galders work?

> > 3) Package the rhq-plugin.xml from 2) into a plugin .jar file
> > 4) Deploy the plugin .jar from 3) into an RHQ server
> > 5) Tell the agents to go refresh their plugins
> > 6) Agents should now be collecting all the metrics mentioned in 1)
> >
> > In terms of automation I think all steps besides 4) should be
> > feasible right now? Regarding 4) I'm not seeing this in the remote
> > api. Any major reason it couldn't be added?
> >
> 4 can just be a (s)cp command to the plugin dropbox on the server.

I think thats a good work around for now, however this approach doesn't have the best semantics, e.g. not synchronous, ugly edge cases, in a multi server environment, jsanda can comment on specifics. So ultimately I think having an api, similarly to the bundle file creation apis that take a stream or a url would be optimal.

> --
> Reg. Adresse: Red Hat GmbH, Otto-Hahn-Strasse 20, 85609 Dornach bei
> München
> Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München HRB 153243
> Geschaeftsführer: Brendan Lane, Charlie Peters, Michael Cunningham,
> Charles Cachera
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