New RHQ Groups Summary/Activity pages.. thoughts?

Andreas Dietrich adi at
Mon Feb 14 10:33:09 UTC 2011


some feedback from us (we are monitoring many customer networks / 
machines / databases / (app servers / web servers) with help of RHQ and 
have custom RHQ agent/server plugins in place) ...
... see below.

Thanks Heiko for pointing our attention to this post.

Kind regards
Andreas :-)

On 02/12/2011 09:57 PM, Simeon Pinder wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for feedback on what the contents of the Groups Summary/Activity pages should contain.
> Note:
> *Resource ->Summary pages renamed to Resource->Activity
> *Group had no Summary page, just defaulted to metrics view.
> in RHQ 3, the related Resource Summary/Activity pages displayed the following snapshot for the specific resource selected:
> - Recent Metrics (displaying sparklines and recent data points)
> - Recent Alerts (five most recent)
> - Recent Out of Bound Metrics (five most recent)
> - Recent Configuration Updates (five most recent)
> - Recent Operations (five most recent)
> - Recent Event Counts (severity + counts for last 24 hrs)
> - Recent Package History (five most recent)
> in RHQ 4, we're adding the Summary/Activity page for Groups. My initial thoughts were to list the following for each group/autogroup:
> - Recent Metrics (displaying sparklines and recent metric data points)
> - Recent Alerts (five most recent) but with "More.." links for user to view full query results spanning N resources.
> - Recent Configuration Updates (five most recent to display in process)
> - Recent Operations (five most recent operations,include started operations as well)
> - Recent Event Counts (severity + counts for last 24 hrs for only higher severity counts displayed)
> - Recent Package History (five most recent across group both created and updated)
>    *The 'Recent Package History' has no current group support in SLSBs. Some work here to aggregate.
>    *How does this play with our decision to direct people to use Bundles instead of manual deploy package updates?

we don't use these too much and with a low prio we gave the following 
input regarding the tabs use cases and improvements in general:

> - Recent Out of Bound Metrics (five most recent)
>    *The 'Recent Out of Bound Metrics' has no current group support in SLSBs. Some work here to aggregate. Still worth it? Long standing issue with correct OOB usage for resources. Multiply problem for groups?

Not worth it for us.
What we really need (and implemented and still improving ourselves) is 
described here:

//see especially from "[...] Situation without our own modifications/extensions [...]" and following


> Given the dashboard like nature of the Activity panel now, should we consider adding:
> i)ActivityView page refresh button for whole page? Individual refresh options for each section?

I do not see the need for us.

> ii)Logic to automatically refresh the ActivityView sections every 20 seconds? Refresh round robin?

Again no need for us.

What is need is a "Control Center View" (dt. Leitstand) that summarizes 
critical system states as we implemented it ourselves. (see second 
linked thread above for details)
It basically contains data from many (self-extended RHQ groups):

- grouped indexes (grouped by acknowledgement*, customers, machines):
-- alerts view
-- availability view
-- conspicious alert definitions (e.g. disabled recoverable adefs 
without existing alerts**)

- detail tables for all of the three mentioned index tables from above

** this e.g. can be critical since it is not rare that
- one deletes alerts from adefs that are recoverable and get 
auto-disabled till recovered, but they do not get enabled by the 
deletion automatically again
- one disables some adefs for whatever reason and it should be reenabled 
at a later point in time, but nobody remembers this anymore and why it 
happened*** nor sees it without accidentially realizing it later

*** that's why the acknowledgements are essential

> Should we add some 'Bundle Operations' section to the Group Activity page for Platform groups?
see first thread link above

> -Simeon
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