Announcing the "RHQ samples" project

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at
Mon Dec 12 11:55:50 UTC 2011

I am proud to announce the inception of a the samples project forRHQ. 
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This is meant to collect samples and extensions around RHQ that could be used in RHQ and also JBoss ON. Users can go there and copy and paste the solutions to get a quicker start themselves. 

While this project is started by the RHQ project team, everyone is encouraged to come and use the samples, fork the project and enhance it. To make this process easier, the project is hosted on GitHub at 


The initial content centers around the new REST api of RHQ, and shows how to use this API from Ruby or Python and how to build reports from JasperReports.

Wanja Pernath has also submitted his group control scripts using the CLI in RHQ and JBoss ON.

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Handelsregister: Amtsgericht München HRB 153243
Geschaeftsführer:  Mark Hegarty, Charlie Peters, Michael Cunningham, Charles Cachera

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