POC: Operation scheduling over the REST api

Alan Santos asantos at redhat.com
Thu Dec 1 20:13:58 UTC 2011

On Dec 1, 2011, at 12:27 PM, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:

>> I assume the 'links' construct is a vestige from xhtml/xml/html?  It's awkward accessing this via javascript - this isn't just a stylistic concern.
> Well, the links follow the AtomPub format (at least their XML representation)[2]. AtomPub defines that a link has <link rel="x" href="x"> and
> is a pretty common standard for links in resources. But yes, the AtomPub protocol seems to take them from html.

That's what I guessed.  

So two questions:  1) Why is AtomPub the right format for XML?  and 2) Assuming the same RESTful access does the JSON format really need to mirror the XML format? 


Alan Santos
JBoss Product Manager
alan.santos at redhat.com

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