JMX and Class Names

Michael Foley mfoley at
Mon Aug 29 20:54:38 UTC 2011

Is changing the mod-cluster configuration with <inject bean=....> a primary use-case? Or an edge case? 

If it is a real edge case ... would this reload issue go away with a re-inventory of the EAP resource? If this is a risky fix ... is "no action" a valid course of action here? 

Just asking ... 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian Springer" <ian.springer at> 
To: rhq-devel at 
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 4:21:28 PM 
Subject: Re: JMX and Class Names 

It looks like DMBean caches the MBeanInfo the first time it loads the 
MBean metadata but doesn't provide a way to reload the MBeanInfo. It 
would not be hard to add a reloadSynchronous method to EmsBean/DMBean 
that reloads all metadata. Would this suffice? If so, when would you 
call the method - whenever discovery for mod_cluster Resources runs, or 
is there some way for you to detect if the microcontainer has been 
restarted and only do the reload then? 

If this is something you really need, I can make the change to EMS and 
tag and publish a new version of EMS that you can use. Let me know. 


On 08/29/2011 12:57 PM, Stefan Negrea wrote: 
> Hello Everybody, 
> I think an e-mail is much better to capture and explain the JMX problem I am running into. 
> mod_cluster is configured through a bean configuration file. 
> Here is the configuration for the top service: 
> 1<bean class="org.jboss.modcluster.catalina.CatalinaEventHandlerAdapter" name="ModClusterListener"> 
> 2<constructor> 
> 3<parameter class="org.jboss.modcluster.ContainerEventHandler"> 
> 4<inject bean="HAModClusterService"/> 
> 5</parameter> 
> 6<parameter class=""> 
> 7<inject bean="JMXKernel" property="mbeanServer"/> 
> 8</parameter> 
> 9</constructor> 
> 10</bean> 
> The default configuration is set with HA version of the mod_cluster service. To change it to the regular version, one just need to remove the HA moniker for the injected bean on line 4. 
> 4<inject bean="ModClusterService"/> 
> Here is a snippet of configuration for the regular bean: 
> <bean class="org.jboss.modcluster.ModClusterService" mode="On Demand" name="ModClusterService"> 
> <annotation>@org.jboss.aop.microcontainer.aspects.jmx.JMX(name="jboss.web:service=ModCluster",exposedInterface=org.jboss.modcluster.ModClusterServiceMBean.class)</annotation> 
> And here is snippet of configuration for the HA bean: 
> <bean class="org.jboss.modcluster.ha.HAModClusterService" mode="On Demand" name="HAModClusterService"> 
> <annotation>@org.jboss.aop.microcontainer.aspects.jmx.JMX(name="jboss.web:service=ModCluster",exposedInterface=org.jboss.modcluster.ha.HAModClusterServiceMBean.class)</annotation> 
> Both of them use the same JMX name, jboss.web:service=ModCluster, so the only way to differentiate between them the two is the class name. 
> The current JMX RHQ plugin does discovery only based on the service name. So I had to write a custom discovery method that first runs the regular JMX discovery and then checks the class name of each bean discovered. If the className attribute of the service does not match emsBean.getClassTypeName(), then the bean is discarded from the collection of services discovered by original JMX procedure (link to the class name based discovery component: Here is snippet of code: 
> 1 String className = context.getDefaultPluginConfiguration().getSimple(CLASS_NAME).getStringValue(); 
> 2 return className.equals(emsBean.getClassTypeName()); 
> I wrote a similar implementation for the availability of these services; check first if the bean is available and then check if the class of the bean is the one expected. 
> And here is where the problem starts. At any point the user can change from using the regular service to using HA service (and vice-versa). As soon as the change is saved to file, the microcontainer reloads the beans and the new resources are available. The current JMX RHQ implementation does not return the class name changes after the microcontainer reloads. So, if the HA service was originally loaded but swapped with regular service, the microcontainer will report correctly the new class name. However, the JMX RHQ code will continue to report the old class name until the RHQ agent is restarted or the JBoss server is un-inventoried and inventoried (basically disconnect completely from the JMX provider and reconnect). 
> I had a couple of attempts to fix, the most notable ones are: 
> * Refresh the bean attributes before getting the class name: 
> 1. emsBean.refreshAttributes(); 
> 2. emsBean.getClassTypeName(); 
> * Refresh the connection provider before getting the class name: 
> 1.emsConnection.refresh() 
> 2.emsBean.getClassTypeName(); 
> But none of these approaches worked. The class name was not updated until the JBoss server was re-inventoried or the agent restarted. I also checked the source code for mc4j but I cannot see anything that could help. 
> Does anybody know how I can do a full reload of the JMX connection to pick such changes? If there is a way, how costly it is in terms of performance (this would be used not only in the discovery but also to check the availability the services)? Any other ideas of what I can do? 
> Thank you, 
> Stefan Negrea 
> Software Engineer 
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Ian Springer 
Principal Software Developer 
JBoss Operations Network 
Red Hat 
ian.springer at 

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