RHQ GUI: how to deal with user clicking to navigate to view X and then clicking to navigate to view Y before X has finished loading

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at redhat.com
Fri Aug 12 18:35:32 UTC 2011

Although we may have somewhat boxed ourselves in I feel we can't make 
further significant investment in the gui architecture.  We've spent 
many man years already and we do have a more useable, more maintainable, 
richer GUI.  The quick click problem is, imo, not that bad, I haven't 
often been hung up on it.  I think we need now to focuson management 
features or risk falling behind feature wise.

So, for now I'd say option #1.  Like you I don't like option #2 in the 
general sense, although I did do something like this effectively within 
the dashboard code.  You'll note that when deleting a portlet, for 
example, all of the portlets briefly disable while the dash is sorted 
out positionally and async calls complete.  Without that approach quick 
clicks, like deleting several portlets in a burst, resulted in a mess.  
I can say that it's barely noticeable.  It may be a point solution in 

I do wonder whether there may be other options we have yet to consider 
that could maybe get us most of the way there with much less effort.  Of 
course I'm not talking about MVP, I mean avoiding the problem you 
describe but sticking with the current architecture.

And of course, whenever software engineer makes an estimate you better 
double it.   Honestly, a team of 4 dedicated for several months.  I'd 
rather work torwards the removal of portal war, I have a two gui limit 
at the moment :)

On 8/12/2011 1:13 PM, Ian Springer wrote:
> How should the RHQ GUI deal with a user clicking to navigate to view X
> and then quickly clicking to navigate to view Y before X has finished
> loading?
> This is a situation which we currently do not handle for the most part
> in our GUI. There are a few places where when the user clicks on a
> button on a list view, we disable the other buttons on the view until
> the action for the clicked button completes. But, aside from this, the
> user could still click on other links or buttons in the GUI either while
> a server-side call is in progress or when the current view is still
> being loaded/drawn. An easy way to see the variety of errors that can
> occur as a result of such scenarios is to go to a Resource view and
> quickly click on nodes in the tree and/or tabs or subtabs (a number of
> BZs have recently been reported with such reproduction steps). Our
> navigation infrastructure is simply not built to handle this. For
> example, we have views that parse the current history token and assume
> that token represents themselves, but if the user had already quickly
> clicked on a link to go to another view, that assumption could be wrong
> and a parse exception would occur.
> There are a few ways we could deal with this issue:
> 1) ignore it, assuming that most of the time users will not click
> something until the current view is fully rendered - this is bad because
> users are used to being able to click something else if they change
> their mind, and if a link or button is enabled, they assume they can
> click it without causing application errors; such errors make RHQ not
> look like a robust professional app
> 2) when a user clicks something, disable all other links and buttons on
> the page until the action(s) initiated by the click have completed -
> this would be very tedious to implement, and would probably require
> adding a global handler that all links and buttons need to register
> with; it could also annoy and frustrate users, because they would be
> powerless to do anything else until the previously initiated action had
> completed
> 3) when a user clicks something that will take them to another view,
> display a "Loading..." message on the panel about to be updated, do all
> of the drawing of the view off-screen, and only make it visible in the
> panel once everything is fully loaded and drawn *and* a check that the
> user hasn't navigated somewhere else succeeds; if the user clicks
> something else, set some state to to tell other views that may still be
> loading to not flip themselves to visible when they're done loading -
> this would require a lot of refactoring across all our views, but at
> least allows users to freely click around; it would also prevent them
> from clicking on anything in the part of the page being updated until it
> is fully drawn (this is similar to how SmartGWT ListGrids work - they
> show a "Loading data..." message until the data is done loading and only
> render the rows in the grid once the data is done loading)
> 4) re-architect coregui to use the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) pattern;
> GWT 2.1 and later include the Activity and Place API which can be used
> to do MVP-based navigation and bookmarking (see
> http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideMvpActivitiesAndPlaces.html);
> the API provides a clear separation between code that performs
> navigation or some other action and code that actually draws a
> widget/view, which allows something like 3) to be done easily and more
> robustly
> I think 4) is the best solution, because MVP is a pattern specifically
> intended for large complex GWT apps like ours and would provide many
> other benefits besides solving the issue at hand. The drawback is that
> it would take a significant amount of work to rewrite the entire GUI
> using MVP (I'm guessing 400-600 engineering hours). However, I think it
> will save time in the long run, because it will make the app more robust
> and maintainable. So I recommend we take the plunge. I think it could be
> done as a new coregui2.war webapp within rhq.ear. This would allow the
> latest business logic to gradually be pulled over from coregui.war as
> parallel development goes on in coregui.war. Once coregui2.war is done,
> coregui.war could be deprecated or deleted, and coregui2.war would take
> its place.
> If we decide we can't devote the resources to take on 4), I think 3)
> would be the best option, but 3) would still be a lot of work (perhaps
> 200-300 engineering hours) and if we eventually do 4), it would all get
> thrown away. If we don't want to do 4) or 3), then I would just go with
> 1), since I'm not a fan of 2).
> Please give your thoughts on this. Which of the options do you think we
> should take short term? long term? Are there are any other options you
> can think of?
> For a detailed description of the MVP pattern, read the two-part article
> linked at the top of
> http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideMvpActivitiesAndPlaces.html.
> Thanks,
> Ian
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