issue w/ installer on Oracle

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Mon Aug 8 19:57:11 UTC 2011

I just logged some findings on this in

turns out, you can't have spaces surrounding equals signs in the

So, if you are seeing odd behavior with settings in, check that you are using the syntax:


and NOT

name = value.

Don't know why that is yet - but, it is what it is right now.

On 07/01/2011 11:22 AM, Ian Springer wrote:
 > While doing a silent upgrade install w/ an Oracle db, I saw the
 > following in the server log:
 > 2011-06-30 16:45:05,383 INFO
 > [org.rhq.enterprise.installer.ConfigurationBean] Oracle does not need to
 > have server-name,
 >    port and db-name individually set, skipping
 > I then looked at my file and noticed some new
 > lines had been appended to it, presumably by the installer:
 > rhq.server.database.db-name=
 > rhq.server.database.server-name=
 > rhq.server.database.password=jon
 > rhq.server.database.port=
 > This doesn't seem right, because I already have all four of these props
 > defined in
 > <snip>
 > rhq.server.database.password = -17408cdce5dc39fc
 > rhq.server.database.server-name =
 > rhq.server.database.port = 1521
 > rhq.server.database.db-name = JON
 > <snip>
 > I'm guessing the appending of the db-name, server-name, and port props
 > are related to the log message above. I have no idea why the password
 > prop was appended.
 > My upgrade happened to fail, so I attempted to run the installer a
 > second time but got the following error in the server log, presumably
 > caused by the "rhq.server.database.password=jon" line which was appended
 > to the properties file:
 > 2011-06-30 17:34:55,274 FATAL
 > [org.rhq.enterprise.installer.ConfigurationBean] Could not decrypt the
 > password for some reason - auto-installation failed
 > java.lang.Exception: Decoding db password failed:
 >       at
 >       at
 >       at
 > <snip>
 > Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "jon"
 >       at
 >       at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
 >       at java.math.BigInteger.<init>(
 >       at
 > <snip>
 > I've hit this several times now. Mazz, would you mind creating a BZ for
 > it and getting a fix in if it's an easy one?

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