classloader issues using jax-ws in a client plugin

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Tue Sep 28 12:45:57 UTC 2010

Duh. Yes, of course - I completely forgot about that :) If you have 
external client jars that can be used to satisfy your class loading 
requirements, then yes, you can use ClassLoaderFacet. Just keep adding 
jars to it until all the required classes can be loaded.

The one thing you have to be careful about is leaking classes from one 
classloader to another - you'll get NoClassDefFoundErrors when this 
happens or you get odd exceptions like "Class 'foo' cannot be cast to 
class 'foo'". This happens when one class is loaded by one classloader, 
but the same class is loaded by another classloader and you try to use 
one where the other should be used. Typical classloader hell stuff. But 
hopefully, if you have external client jars that can satisfy all your 
dependencies, this shouldn't be a problem.

On 09/28/2010 05:16 AM, Bala Nair wrote:
>    Thanks John, this is very helpful.  We had discovered the regex
> method, but were reluctant to use it because of the possible side
> effects of the root classloader on other plugins.  We're using java 6
> and the jax-ws api to connect to a legacy service that exposes it's
> monitoring and configuration through a wsdl based web service.  The
> service requires a secure connection and it's written using the gsoap
> toolkit which is kind of finicky interacting with java client soap
> stacks.  In your possible solutions you don't include implementing the
> ClassLoaderFacet in our discovery component class.  We were hoping to
> use the ClassLoaderFacet to customize the classpath for our resource
> classloader and just keep adding jars to it until it worked.  From your
> explanation of how the agent uses the classloaderfacet classpath, it
> sounds like this should allow us to customize the classpath for just our
> resource classloader. This would 1) not affect other plugins and 2) not
> require external jars in our deployment package.  Is this a possible 3rd
> solution?
> Bala Nair
> On 9/27/10 10:48 AM, John Mazzitelli wrote:
>> [this is a very long email - my apologies up front :) but its going to
>> document some very complex and technical details of the agent
>> classloader stuff, so at least it can be useful for future reference for
>> others]
>>> - the resource classloader for a managed resource is used by the
>>> resource component (correct?), but additional classpaths for it are
>>> defined in the resource discovery component when it implements
>>> ClassLoaderFacet - do I understand this correctly?
>> That is correct. Let me explain deeper, for those that are interested in
>> hearing the details.
>> The main use-case for this resource classloader stuff is the following:
>> 1) Assume you have a JBossAS 5 server and a JBossAS 6 server running on
>> your one agent box (I'll call these J5 and J6). The agent will therefore
>> have two resources in inventory - one representing the J5 server
>> instance and one representing the J6 server instance.
>> 2) J5 and J6 each have their own, incompatible client jars that are
>> required to connect to them. That is to say, in order for the agent's J5
>> resource component to remotely connect to J5's management connector, it
>> needs J5's client-v5.jar - similarly, J6's client-v6.jar is needed to
>> connect to J6 instances (that's not the real names of the jars, but you
>> get the idea). You can't use client-v5.jar to connect to a J6 instance
>> and vice versa.
>> 3) You can't have client-v5.jar and client-v6.jar in the same
>> classloader, for one, the names conflict and secondly, they are
>> incompatible with each other.
>> 4) Therefore, when the agent creates the resource component that
>> represents the J5 instance, it creates one classloader (call it CL5) for
>> that J5 resource component and it creates a separate classloader for the
>> J6 resource component (call it CL6). This way, client_v5.jar can go in
>> classloader CL5 and client_v6.jar can go in classloader CL6; thus they
>> are separated from one another avoiding conflicts.
>> 5) How does the agent know where client_v5.jar is? where client_v6.jar
>> is? Those are in the install directories of the individual JBoss
>> installs - the agent itself has no way of knowing where these are (only
>> the product plugins know product specific details like this). The only
>> way for the agent to know this is to ask the plugin's discovery
>> components - since they know all about finding/discoverying information
>> about their individual products they manage. Therefore, the jboss
>> plugin's discovery component is asked by the agent "where can I find all
>> the client jars that are needed to connect to this specific J5
>> instance?" - the discovery component responds with a URL to
>> client_v5.jar and it is placed in the classloader CL5 which in turn is
>> used by the J5 resource commponent. The same is done when building the
>> CL6 for the J6 resource component.
>> Welcome to classloader hell :)
>>> - The class not found exception that we're seeing is for a class defined
>>> in the java runtime itself.  How is this not available without adding
>>> rt.jar to the classpath?
>> OK, this is one of the "gotchas" in this classloader stuff that needs
>> further explanation. First, let me explain the main use-case that needed
>> to be supported. Recall that the agent core itself has jars that it
>> needs for its own stuff. Just look in<agent-install>/lib and you'll see
>> them all. For example, the agent core itself uses Apache Commons
>> HttpClient (you'll find its jar in the lib/ directory of the agent). But
>> what if a plugin wants to use that too - and more importantly what if
>> the  plugin needs to use a later version of that library compared to the
>> version of the library used by the agent? If we don't hide the agent's
>> commons-httpclient jar from the plugin's classloader, the plugin will be
>> forced to use the agent core's version of that library and would
>> therefore break the plugin since the plugin needs a newer version of
>> that library to work.
>> Did I welcome you to classloader hell yet? :-)
>> What to do? Well, we create what we call a "root plugin classloader" -
>> call it RPCL. The agent makes this RPCL the parent classloader to ALL
>> plugin classloaders. So, to follow the example from above, the parent
>> classloader to CL5 is RPCL. The parent to CL6 is also RPCL. What's the
>> parent classloader to RPCL itself? That's the "normal"
>> application/bootstrap classloader.  So, the classloader hierarchy for a
>> plugin classloader looks like:
>> Application/Bootstrap Classloader (java.*,<agent-install>/lib jars)
>>        ^
>>        |
>> Root Plugin Classloader
>>        ^
>>        |
>> Plugin Classloader (plugin jar classes)
>> What's so special about this RPCL? The RPCL "hides" some classes found
>> it the classloaders above it - e.g. the agent/lib jars. Because the
>> plugin classloaders have access to the main app classloader (since the
>> main app classloader is at the very top of the classloader hierarchy,
>> above the RPCL), plugins can still see all the core Java classes,
>> however, the RPCL acts as a "filter" and hides some classes (like the
>> http commons classes as I mentioned earlier) so the plugins can't see them.
>> What classes does the RPCL hide? This is actually configurable, via the
>> agent preference "rhq.agent.plugins.root-plugin-classloader-regex". Its
>> value is one big regular expression that, if a class name matches the
>> expression, that class will not be loaded by the RPCL and essentially
>> hidden. So when the RPCL is asked to load a class, if it matches the
>> regex, that class is hidden and the plugin needs to load it itself from
>> the lower plugin classloader (so we hide commons-httpclient which
>> requires the plugin to have shipped its own version of that library for
>> the class to load).
>> If you don't specify this preference, the agent defaults to a regex that
>> you rarely, if ever, have to customize. By default, the agent hides the
>> classes that should be hidden, yet still exposes the classes that
>> plugins need. If interested in what the default hidden classes are, see :
>> org.rhq.enterprise.agent.AgentConfiguration.getPluginContainerConfiguration
>> to see the regex that it builds up for the default value of this preference.
>> Here are some of the classes that are hidden by default:
>> javax.xml.bind.**
>> com.sun.activation.**
>> com.sun.istack.**
>> com.sun.xml.**
>> org.apache.commons.httpclient.**
>> org.dom4j.**
>> EDU.oswego.**
>> gnu.getopt.**
>> javax.persistence.**
>> ... and more...
>> Here you can see we hide some javax classes (JAXB and JPA classes
>> specifically), we hide some com.sun classes (some of these due to the
>> need to hide JAXB implementation classes) We hide JAXB because some
>> plugins may want to use JAXB themselves and we didn't want to force them
>> to use the version of JAXB that the agent uses (analogous to the
>> commons-httpclient example I give above).
>> Your exception message says:
>> Provider
>> not found
>> You'll see we hide all "com.sun.xml" classes. Thus, that provider is
>> hidden and this exception message makes sense.
>> There are two possible solutions:
>> 1) you'll have to customize the root plugin classloader's regex setting
>> (in agent-configuration.xml or whereever) so you "unhide" those
>> com.sun.xml classes you need. You'll want to "unhide"
>>** and anything else you need. You'll have to be
>> careful, if you "unhide" more classes than you need, you might screw up
>> the classloading for other plugins that expect to get their own versions
>> of classes that were hidden before.
>> 2) package up the com.sun.xml classes you need in a jar and ship that
>> jar inside your plugin's /lib directory. That may or may not work
>> because it would mean you'd be loading
>> via the plugin classloader but
>> other classes may leak to/from the application classloader and, well,
>> let's just say you will have entered the gates of classloader hell at
>> that point.
>> #1 is probably the easiest thing to do unless there is a pre-packaged
>> jar library that includes the com.sun.xml API that you need.
>> Can I ask you what version of Java you are using and what API you are
>> trying to use? This isn't JAXB right? Its some kind of web services API?
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