problem with ResourceTypeCriteria

Joseph Marques jmarques at
Mon Oct 25 19:09:51 UTC 2010

  Yes, I've seen Hibernate do this from time to time when left join 

Do a little investigation for me - how many rows do you get back if you 
only fetch eventDefinitions versus if you only fetch 
operationDefinitions or resourceConfigurationDefinitions?  Also, what is 
the generated SQL for the query (if there is a join to a collection 
[xxxToMany mapping] anywhere, that would account for the duplicate rows 
of the projected data.)

On 10/23/2010 03:08 PM, John Mazzitelli wrote:
> I don't get it. I run this code, and each System.out.println shows me
> that the results have 48 rows - but each query should only produce 1 row.
> Note: if I go to admin/test/hibernate.jsp, and try this JPQL string, it
> actually only produces 1 row (the correct results!). I don't know what
> its doing differently, but here's the code that I tested with - there
> are actually 4 different ways I try it (two using JPA API, two using
> Hibernate API - for each I try using a collection of 1 ID integer, and I
> try using a single parameter value of Integer type).
> String sqlString = "SELECT resourcetype " + //
>       "FROM ResourceType resourcetype " + //
>       "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.resourceConfigurationDefinition " + //
>       "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.metricDefinitions " + //
>       "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.eventDefinitions " + //
>       "LEFT JOIN FETCH resourcetype.operationDefinitions " + //
>       "WHERE ( in ( :ids ) ) ";
> ArrayList<Integer>  idList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
> idList.add(new Integer(10014));
> Query q;
> List<?>  results;
> // JPA - parameter is an ArrayList of 1 ID
> q = entityManager.createQuery(sqlString);
> q.setParameter("ids", idList);
> results = q.getResultList();
> System.out.println("1~~~~~~~~~size=" + results.size());
> // JPA - parameter is a single Integer value
> q = entityManager.createQuery(sqlString);
> q.setParameter("ids", new Integer(10014));
> results = q.getResultList();
> System.out.println("2~~~~~~~~~size=" + results.size());
> Session session;
> org.hibernate.Query hq;
> session = (Session) entityManager.getDelegate();
> // Hibernate - parameter is an ArrayList of 1 ID
> hq = session.createQuery(sqlString);
> hq.setParameterList("ids", idList);
> results = hq.list();
> System.out.println("3~~~~~~~~~size=" + results.size());
> // Hibernate - parameter is a single Integer value
> hq = session.createQuery(sqlString);
> hq.setParameter("ids", new Integer(10014));
> results = hq.list();
> System.out.println("4~~~~~~~~~size=" + results.size());
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