Package deployment doesnt work in rhq 3.0.0 with the h2 demo database

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Tue Oct 19 12:41:10 UTC 2010

On 10/19/2010 05:17 AM, Adrian Brock wrote:
 > 2010-10-19 09:27:17,441 ERROR
 > [org.rhq.enterprise.server.content.ContentManagerBean] An error
 > occurred while updating Blob with stream for PackageBits[10001],
 > Feature not supported: LOB update [50100-117]

There was a similar issue in the bundle subsystem that Jay S. worked 
around. See:

I'm not sure if the patch that addressed that issue will also address 
this one you are seeing. The patch IIRC did not make it into 3.0.0, its 
currently in master for 4.0.0.

In that bugzilla, note the one comment ( ) - H2 does not 
support blob columns.


 > I think that complained something about Blobs not being supported.

Yes, that's true, this is not supported yet. Thanks a lot for
reporting! I will add a feature request for this. Unfortunately I
can't tell you when it will be implemented. I'm afraid it's unlikely
that it will be implemented this year. Patches are welcome of course!

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